ram transformationР第4页РLinear and Stationary Dynamic SystemsРA system is defined as linear in terms of the system excitation and responseРLinear SystemРExcitationРResponseРNecessary conditions for a linear system?Principle of superposition?Property of homogeneityР第5页РLinear and Stationary Dynamic SystemsРLinear SystemРExcitationРResponseРPrinciple of superpositionР第6页РLinear and Stationary Dynamic SystemsРLinear SystemРExcitationРResponseРProperty of homogeneityР第7页РQuestion: Are the two principles equivalent?РHow to prove equivalence?Р第8页РIfРHomogeneityРSuperpositionРSetРSoР第9页РAny questions?Р1. How about the variables are vectors or matrices?Р2. How to prove from superposition to homogeneity?Р第10页РLinear and Stationary Dynamic SystemsРQuestions: are the following systems linear?РAnswers: