
(自动控制原理英文课件)chapter 4the Second Class

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the arrow is N, or angle is radian.РNumber of Encirclements ?and EnclosuresРAРBРAРBР8РNyquist Stability Criterion: FundamentalsРLet be a single-valued function that has a finite number of poles in the s-plane. Suppose that an arbitrary closed path is chosen in the s-plane so that the path dose not go through any one of the poles or zeros of ; the corresponding locus mapped in the -plane will encircle the origin as many times as the difference between the number of zeros and poles of that are encircled by the s-plane locusРPrinciple of ArgumentРDomain of definitionРValued fieldР9РNyquist Stability Criterion: FundamentalsР10РStability RelatedР+Р-Рclosed-loop transfer function poles: roots of the characteristic equationРzeros ofРStability condition: zeros of are all in the left-half s-plane


