?7、请问有多少人?? How many guests,please??8、可以告诉我您的姓名吗?? May I know your name?Р预定的基本应对РLOGOР9、请问怎么拼写?? How to spell that??10、可以告诉我您的电话号码吗?? May I have your phone number??11、可以告诉我您的信用卡号码吗?? May I have your creidt card number??12、请别挂断电话好吗?? Could you hold the line,please??13、我来查一下是否有空房间。? I'll check if we have vacancy.?14、让您久等了,先生/女士。? Thank you for waiting,Sir/Madam.?15、我们有每晚728元和788元两种标准间。? We have a twin at 728RMB and 788RMB per night. ?16、我们期待能为您服务。? We look forward to serving you.Р告知房价和付款事项РLOGOР1、单人间每晚788元包括15%的服务费。? A single room is 788RMB per night within a 15% service charge.?2、这个价钱包括早餐吗?? Does the price include breakfast??3、我们需要您先付2000元订金/押金。? we will need an advanced deposit of 2000RMB.?4、我们酒店今天特价。? We offer special rates today.?5、单人间可以打8.5折。? For a single room, there is a 15% discount.