流Р2,物流方式与买家选择的不一致?这种情况很少发生, 一般发生的话买家也不会找麻烦,除非因此买家被了额外的费用。如有因此产生额外的费用,我们可以适当退款作为补偿Р3,被收了关税?海关偶尔会抽查包裹,这个不是我们可控的。一般我们不承担此费用。最多可以承担部分税费或者给买家下个订单一点折扣以示补偿。?Dear friend, ?We are so sorry that you were taxed. As you know, the customers always will check some of the parcels and may charge for it. This is out of our control. Hope you could understand. But we would like to give you a little discount for your next order. Thank you.Р9Р非纠纷--物流Р4,空包裹?这个是不可能事件,如果买家说收到的是空包裹基本上可以判定买家是个骗子。这种情况一概不退款、不补发?Dear friend, ?It is so regret to hear that it was empty bag, may I know was the parcel broken when you receipt? We never sent empty parcel, because if it is empty parcel, our postman even don’t collect it and ship it for us. Hope you could check if your family or friend take out the item for you. Thank you.Р10