式,饮食需求,提高病人在门诊透析治疗中的依从性,改变不合理的生活方式。?同时在对病人的持续的随访中可以及时发现和解决透析中出现的各种问题。可以改善病人生存[3-4]。Р提高依从性Р由于患者的腹膜特性会随着时间发生变化,残存肾功逐渐下降,贫血、高血压、钙磷代谢紊乱的变化,患者的门诊随访依从性关系到透析处方的及时调整,及合并症的及时治疗,与生活质量和治疗效果直接相关[5,6]。Р对CAPD患者进行定期随访,可以使患者在得到正规、系统、科学的专科指导和治疗干预,有利于对疾病的进步了解,减少腹膜透析的并发症,有利于提高尿毒症患者的生活质量[10]。Рpliance [11] defined as performance of less than 90% of prescribed exchanges.?pliance was found in 30% of patients during the first 6 months of PD. Patients who were pliant with prescribed exchanges at the start of PD had greater rates of death (P = 0.03), transfer to hemodialysis secondary to uremia (P < 0.05), hospitalization (P < 0.001), and days hospitalized (P < 0.001) compared pliant patients. Delivered Kt/V was 18% less in pared pliant patients (2.1 versus 2.57; P = 0.007).Р病人对腹透相关知识和治疗方式的理解、掌握和顺从对治疗的效果将起重要作用[11]。