子上缠绕着她的好朋Р友Lucy——一条蟒蛇,念了一首自己创作的:Р以各种形式存在着,从唐诗宋词,到现代诗,多少诗句给予了Р我们力量、解答了我们的疑问、直击我们的痛楚、净化我们的心灵。Р句不需要既定的形式,管他诗律、诗格、诗境。Р诗Р诗Р诗РCome on,don't you have a heart?You don't want these animals to depart?Forget the X Factor and the Top Ten singing chart?Look at the most endangered animals and the poison darts?The leopard,siberian tiger and the polar bear?They're so gorgeous,it is just not fair?If I say their Latin names,will you listen more?Oh,Louis,please don't say this is bore?Komodo dragon,by the way?Why does man have to take him all away?Man,you're such a fool?Snakes skinned alive for handbags??That is just not cool?Please listen to my passion?although it may not be in fashion?I cannot sing it.You might laugh?I cannot dance.You'd say that I was daft?But I am an seven,and I want these animals to last