
Unit 5 First Aid语法-省略

上传者:塑料瓶子 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:34 |  大小:529KB

(go there). 2) — I didn ’ t go to see the doctor yesterday. ---But you ought to (see the doctor). 练习: — Does she want to take the place of you ?— Yes, she wants to .(想要) 注意: 如果不定式含有 be, have done, have been, 通常保留 be, have, have been 。 e.g. 1)---- Are you an engineer? ---- No, but I want to be .练习: --- He hasn ’ t finished the task yet. ---- Well, he ought to have (本应该完成)。(2) 在某些形容词 glad, happy, delighted, pleased 等后, 如: — Will you join us? — I’ d be glad to. 练习: —I’ ll be away on a business. Would you mind looking after my cat? — Not at all. I’ d be happy to .(我会高兴照看你的猫的). (3) 否定的不定式省略常用 not to .— Shall I go with him? — He told you not to. 练习: The boy wanted to ride his bike to school, but his mother told him not to . (不要骑车去学校).


