50. 高血压流行病学-全球 Circulation2016;134(6):441-50. 高血压流行病学-中国? Overall, 265 million adults (145 million men and 120million women) had hypertension for a prevalence of 26.7% (28.9% among men and 24.5%among women) in 2010. ? Among hypertensive patients, only 44.6% were aware of their condition, 35.2% were taking antihypertensive medication, and 11.2% achieved adequate blood pressure control. ? Hypertension burden and control in mainland China: Analysis of nationwide data 2003- 2012. ? International Journal of Cardiology (2015) 高血压与脑卒中关系高血压诊断标准:收缩压≥ 140mmHg ,舒张压≥ 90mmHg 或目前高血压在治 Arima H, et al. Journal of Hypertension. 2010, 28:395 – 400 PROGRESS 研究是一项随机、安慰剂对照研究,入选了 6105 例伴有脑血管疾病(卒中或短暂性脑缺血发作,但无蛛网膜下腔出血)患者 Lancet.2010.376.112-123 INTERSTROK 研究:约 90% 的卒中风险归因于 10种可控危险因素高血压与脑卒中关系