ion?或者会要求服务员给与一定推荐8Take the order without hesitation 确认订单Take the order without hesitation 确认订单?Listen to the client carefully?仔细聆听客人的需求?Reformulate clearly his choice?再清楚无误的重复他的选择?You may congratulate him/her on the choice, especially in front of their guests?你可以赞赏他/她的选择,特别是在他们的客人面前?Never contradict him, respect his tastes ?不要试图更改他的选择,尊重他的口味?Never criticize a wine?绝对不要质疑他点的葡萄酒9The client asks for mendations 客户要求推荐The client asks for mendations 客户要求推荐?Listen pro-actively and gather information 仔细聆听客人的需要,收集信息?Then give him a mendation according to the dish and his budget.根据他的菜肴和预算,推荐相应的葡萄酒?Pay attention to the circumstances & season注意环境和季节的变化?Offer one or two mendations, no more. Do not read the wine list!只提供一、两个建议,绝对不要照读酒单?Justify your choice briefly with a few words简短的介绍一下你的推荐10