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to be a prominent design element. The scale of the logo will depend on the size and layout Рof the printed piece, but minimum width one inch is required. РLogo Placement CARELINEРThe logo should always be within the margins of the layout, and at least twice the We want to provide outstanding service. Рmended clear space (twice the height of the “D” in “Doubletree”) away from If there is anything we can do for you, Рthe trim. please use the CARELINE button Р on the telephone. Enjoy your stay! РWhen using the logo with the Branches, there should be a nice balance between the Рtwo elements within the design.РPlacement priority for all layouts is as follows: Doubletree logo, URL, other logos. РThe Doubletree logo should always be the biggest and most prominent brand mark Рon every layout.Р 3.2


