<4米)。Р磁控溅射的阴极类型Р 按磁场设计分Р平衡磁场Р非平衡磁场Р高利用率 HUР可调平衡度Р全靶面刻蚀Р内回路磁场Р强磁场Р射频磁场РHU 高均匀性 High UniformityРLS 弱磁场 Low Strength For high vacuum sputtering processРSmall cantilever mounted dual cathodesРExample of cathode anode and target mountingР Anode Assembly Р (Anode Wall & Р Anode Assembly )РTarget Clamp РAssembly Р DiaphragmРThe unique anode design both reduces heat load on the substrate and prevents electrical shorts during Р operation by reduced coating build-up on the anodeРAnode is at “zero height”Рcompared to targetР Low profile Р anode below Р target surfaceР Optional anode Р cooling for web Р coating or hot Р chambersР Having the anode at zero height means Р target thickness adjustment without a Р change to the anode.Р Integral gas Р injection through Р the anode wall –Р single or multizone