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ment 5 2 Р Chapter 10 2 Р Chapter 11 2 Р Experiment 6 6 Р Sum: 16 16Р5. Grading Р Course grading: hundred mark system. Р 1. Final exam (80%) Р 2. Experiments + homework (20%) Р Р 6. Text-Book & Additional Readings Р 1. Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing, Christopher D. Manning Р and Hinrich Schutze, translated by Yuan Chun-fa and Li Qing-zhong, etc. Р Publishing House of Electronics Industry, 2007 Р2. Speech and Language Processing, Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin, Р translated by Feng Zhi-wei and Sun Le, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, Р 2005 Р3. Modern Information Retrieval, Ricardo Baeza-Yates and Berthier o, Р translated by Wang Zhi-jin, Jia Fu-xin and Zheng Hong-jun, etc. China Machine Р Press, 2005 Р Р Р Constitutor: Р Reviewer: Р Authorizor: Р Date:


