olve the Conf lict of Laws am ongР Ch inese M a inland, Hong Kong,M acao and Ta iwanР ZEN G J iaР (D ep artm ent of L aw ,N orthw est U niversity , X i′an 710069, Ch ina)РAbstract: o rding to the theo ry of law , the final w ay to so lve the in terregional conflict ofРlaw among Ch inese M ain land, Hong Kong,M acao and T aiwan is to set up a U n ified InterРregional Conflict L aw. Bu t it is no t feasib le in Ch ina now. N o m atter w hat w ay Ch inaРadop ts, it m u st b reak th rough som e concep ts in the theo ry of law and the p ractice of legisРlation. Som e theo ries of law and the seriou sly backw ard legislation have e un su itab leРto the developm en tal requ irem en ts of the society and law of Ch ina.РKey words: Conflict of L aw s; Interregional L aw Conflict; L egal systemР 031