amework: Contributions, Limitations, and mendations 235 Christopher M. Weible and Edella Schlager 12 Denouement? 247 Elizabeth A. Shanahan, Mark K. McBeth, and Michael D. Jones Appendices 261 Author Bios 271 Index 275 Figures 1.1 Model of the meso-level narrative policy framework 16 2.1 Spread of NPF authorship 38 3.1 Frequencies for choice of single most effective 58 5.1 “Meso-level” narrative policy framework ?ow diagram 92 7.1 Use of characters and blame in all narratives over time 146 7.2 Use of characters and blame by winner or loser over time 147 8.1 Policy narrative relationships 165 map relating documents to perceptions of hydraulic fracturing issues 194 map linking pro- and anti-group documents to characters 197 10.1 The Cultural Map 212 10.2 The discursive space 222