sentence generation position practice cannot improve vocabulary.acquisition fornon-English majors effectively.Many scholars and educators emphasize the roleof sentence generation position invocabulary acquisition,and itisgenerally accepted by them that thesetwo ways can improve vocabulary acquisition.Their researches provide cluesforthepresentresearch,and based onthem,the authorstudiedthisissue fromanotherangl唧ushed output. Thesubjects involved inthestudy were 60non-English majors who were admitted intoDatong University in2003.They came fromtwo naturalclassesand eachcontained 30students.The average age of class one and classtwoWasboth 20.8. The proportion ofmale tofemale inclass one is13:17,in classtwo is14:16·The proportion ofstudents who came from ruralareastostudents fromurban areas in