
Locus of control, attributions and impression management in…:心理控制源、归因和印象管理…

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nterviews were semi- struc ture and followed the same format. the be ginning the intervie wer introduce him/ herse lf and ex plained the structure of the intervie w. he inte rview then omprised sec tion onc erning the candidate’ interests and skills and sec tion de signed to assess the applicant’ ability to solve job- related proble m. ac inte rvie laste for approx imate ly 30 minutes, inc luding 20 minutes for questions from the intervie wer and 10 minutes for questions from applic ants. Interviewe rs ompleted Interview port orms (IR imme diately after ach inte rview. hese forms are standard part of pany rec ruitment proc edure, and re quire the inte rviewer to rate eac candidate on three job- related rite ria using 1– ike rt sc ale: (1) Impression management in the selection interview 67


