ation and Revelation in USAР L i YuhuР Abstract: In add ition to access to own er- occupied housing, peop le s' housing need sare m et through th em arketm echan ism and en joy the Governm entР th rough a variety ofways to ach ieve secu rity "H om e Own ersh ip" in th eUn ited StatesofAm erica. Leg islation and strict law en forcem ent to p lay an importantР rolep rotection of housing supp ly in th eUn ited S tates. In d ifferen t stagesof econom ic developm en t of housingm arket, thelegislation ofp rotection al residen Р tial has gon e through four stagesin USA. The formation of the existing p rotection of dom estic legal system, that is estab lished by legislation and th e p rotec Р tion of housing supply system.РKey words: ensu ring hou sing in USA; legislation process; revelationР 105