这些因素量化或进行评价。Р4. Specific Procurement Notices shall also be transmitted to those who have expressed interest in bidding in response to(应...而,答...而 ) the General Procurement Notice.Р具体采购通知也应传播那些已表示对总采购通告有兴趣的竞投。Р5. For works plex supply contracts, (particularly for those requiring refurbishing(再刷新;整修;翻新)existing works or equipment,) a pre-bid conference may be arranged whereby potential bidders may meet with Borrower representatives to seek clarifications(澄清) Р对于工程或者复杂的供货合同,尤其是那些需要更新现有工程或设备的合同,可以安排召开标前会,使潜在的投标人可会见借款人的代表(面对面或在网上)以寻求澄清。Р6. The time allowed for the preparation and submission of bids shall be determined with due consideration (适当考虑)of the particular circumstances of the project and the magnitude(广大,巨大;伟大,重大,重要性;大小;积;量)plexity of the contract.Р确定投标书的准备和提交时间应充分考虑项目的具体情况和合同的规模及复杂程度。