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was panied by a high wind.风雨交加РShe entered , panied by her mother .Р6 represent 代表\ 标志\ 象征Р The manager could not go to the meeting , so Mr Smith represented himРSecondly : Individual work and Pair work . ( 8 Minutes)РSecondly,Ask the sutents to read the text carefully and then discuss the main idea of each paragraph in pairs and then I’ll show the main ideas, as follows :Рpara 1 ,2: The hisory of Bejing opera Рpara 3 The characteristics and the theme of Bejing operaРpara 4 5 6 The four types of Bejing opera (Here I’ll show the students some pictures of Sheng,dan ,jin, chou and some famouse Beijing opera actors)Рpara 7 Symbolism of Bejing opera Рpara 8 Famouse actors of Bejing opera Рpara 9 The importance of Bejing opera (conclusion) РMeawhile I will show some pictures related to the text.


