rsons who are needed by our country and society.РNotesР1 Р符永权,《教师理论研究》,北京:北京大学出版社,2008 (1),第54页。Р2 Suhomlinski,“Scholarly Campus,” (Jimei University Educational Science Edition, 2005), 35.Р3 H.G..Widdowson,Aspects of Language Teaching (Oxford University Press, 1990), 67.Р4 Ibid., 79.Р5 Ibid., 246.Р6 Liudaoyi, Junior English Book (People Education Press, 2005), 125.Р7 /a/tinglikouyu/2009/1217/211.htmlР8 HG Widdowson, “ELT and EL Teacher,” ELT Journal (1992), 333.РBibliographyРC.Jacques, and LiuDaoyi, eds. Senior English for China. People Education Press, 1997.РH.G .Widdowson. Aspects of Language Teaching. Oxford University Press, 1990. Р程晓棠、郑敏. 英语学习策略. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.Р刘道义. 刘道义英语教育自选集. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2007.Р王笃勤. 英语教学策略论. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2002.Р王蔷. 英语教学法教程. 北京:高等教育出版社,2000.Р内部资料Р仅供参考Р内部资料Р仅供参考