r twice a week. Р 2) 小短文:Р Mike likes surfing the a lot. He wants to surf the every day. But his parents only let him surf the once or twice every week. They think that it is important for him to work hard at his subjects. Mike hates exercise and he hardly every exercise. Mike’s parents think he isn’t strong, so he should exercise often. Р加强相似单词辨别练习,提高学生拼写相似词的能力。Р我们可以将拼写相似、发音相似,而容易造成拼写错误的单词于一练习中,让学生对比、区别去把握单词。如: litter, little, letter; through, thought, though; parent, present, peasant; expect, except, expert, accept; invitation, invention.Р3、在词汇教学中注意“词不离句”、“句不离文”。Р通过近年来的中考题,我们发现很少有单独就写一个单词或一个单词的语法变化形式的。对单词的拼写都是置于句子或短文中,让考生通过对语句的理解或对语段的理解去分析单词的正确拼写形式的。因此,我们在平时的词汇教学中,就不能为教单词而教单词,必须将一个一个孤立的单词置于相互联系的语句中,让学生学会通过句子或语段来理解该选用单词的什么表现形式(即词形变化)Р,增强学生的句子分析能力,提高他们在考试中单词拼写上面的得分率。Р内部资料Р仅供参考Р内部资料Р仅供参考