m berton they emphasize psychological contract consists of two aspects anization and staff, it is implicit in the employment relationship anization and employee perception of mutual promises and responsibilities. There are no consistent conclusion differences for all parties. But, despite the differences, this view from the psychological contract is the exchange of implicit relationship anization and employee is consistent with the perception of the nature. Therefore, this paper argues that psychological contract are for each other anizations and individuals to pay what and what should be a kind of subjective psychological agreement, agreement is the ponent of the implicit informal mutual responsibility. Р译文组织承诺与企业核心员工激励机制研究РLayer MР摘要现代企业制度的不断完善,人力资源正以其特有的价值性、稀缺性和难以模仿性等经济资源的典型特征一跃成为企业核心竞争