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are in a restaurant. What should the waiter say to you?What should you say to the waiter to order? Now look at the clues below and write a conversation.Р2. Ss read the clues and try to write a conversation. Р3. Check the answers with the Ss. РVIII.PracticeРHomework Р1. Review the new words and phrases of this unit. Р2. Write a short ad for your uncle's noodle restaurant.Р板书设计РSection B 3a-Self CheckР3a: specials, kinds, strawberry, bowl, order Р3b: e.g. burgers: 3$ soup: 1$Р We have nice burgers for three dollars. The soup is only one dollar.РSelf Check 2: Р1. There is 2. There are 3. There isn't РMaking a conversation:Р May I take your order? Yes, please. Are there any vegetables in the soup?РYes, there are some carrots. What size of bowl would you like?РI'd like the small one. Thank you.


