
七年级英语下册unit7it’srainingsectionb(1a 2c)教案(新版)人教新目标版

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ry, cold, hot, warm …РStep II. Matching РRead the words in the box in 1a. Then look at the pictures. Match the words with the pictures. Ss match the words with the picture. Р通过图片直接导入,让学生直观接受词汇,更形象具体Р新授:РStep III. ReadingР1. Fast Reading РRead the postcards in 2b and math each postcard with the correct picture in 2a. Р2. Careful reading: Р Read the first postcard again and find the answers to these questions. Р ① Where is Su Lin now? Р ② What is Su Lin studying here? Р③ Is she visiting some of his old friends there? Р④ What`s she doing right now? Р⑤ How`s the weather there? ?Summarize the reading skills Р Retell the article Р① Where is Dave now? Р② What are Dave and his family doing there? Р③ Are they having a good time? Р④ How’s the weather there? Р信息匹配Р阅读方法指导,教师点拨,学生实践Р小结:Р练习:Р板书:Р教Р学Р反Р思


