
七年级英语下册unit7it’srainingsectionb(3a selfcheck)教案(新版)人教新目标版

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am about the weather forecast. ?Step II . Writing Р1. Imagine you are on vacation. Write notes about your vacation. Р2. Let some Ss read the questions aloud. Р3. Make sure Ss know the meaning of the questions. Р对所学知识进行复习Р观看视频,让学生直观感受,激发学习兴趣Р写作方法指导,教师点拨,学生理解实践Р新授:Р4. Ss think and write down some notes about their vacations. Р5. Let Ss read out their own vacation notes. РStep III. Self Check 1 Р1. Tell Ss we've learned some words about feelings, weather and activities. Now discuss with your partners. Add more words in the box. Р2. Ss work in pairs and add more words in the box. Р3. Let some Ss read their words. Let other Ss add more words. ?Summarize the writing skills РWrite an article about what the people doing according to the picture. РWriting skills Р人称Р时态Р连词成句Р检查Р Р小结:Р练习:Р板书:Р教Р学Р反Р思


