’s judgmentР83、Submission of evidence РOrder of presentationР - opening statements: P, DР - (direct) examination and cross examination*: P,D (redirect / recross ~)Р - rebuttal evidence: P & DР - closing arguments: P, DР - P’s right of rebuttalРtrial docketРmotion 动议Рcontinuance or postponementРattorney / counsel / lawyer Рappear, enter an appearance 出庭到案Рclosing arguments,statements,remarksРmistrialРenter a judgment onР提起诉讼Рclaim against sb.Рproceed against sb.Рbring actions against sb.Рinstitute actions against sb.Рinstitute / bring proceedings against sb.Рfile a suitРaffirm / sustain / upheld 维持Рvary / modify 变更Рreverse / overrule 推翻Рrevoke / vacate 撤销Рremand / remit for reconsideration 发回重审Рdismiss / set aside 驳回Рremove 移送Рdismiss / allow the appeal 驳回/ 支持上诉Рmoot court / mock court 模拟法庭