sy about defendant’s breach of Contract (Art.35)Part 2: legal issue & back ground knowledgeby 刘建平DamagesDirect damagesConsequential damagesby 刘建平Direct damages: damages for a loss that is an immediate, natural, and foreseeable result of the wrongful act .Consequential damages: injury or harm that does not result directly and immediately from the act of a party, but only from some of the result of such 刘建平Consequential damages:Decisions of D.C.Damages incurred by DelchiPlaintiff’s attempts to remedy nonconformityExpedited shipment of pressorsHandling & storage of pressorsLost profitsa total of 546,377,612 lire in lost profits in Italyadditional lost profit from indicated orders in Italy.Modification of electrical panelholdholdholdholdnonsupportnonsupport