your feeling then? How do you think about it?РS1: What were you doing when Shenzhou Ⅵ landed essfully?РS2: I was watching it on TV. РS1: How was your feeling then?РS2: I was very happy and proud. Р?…Р…Р2. (让学生给杨利伟发一封e-mail, 表达崇敬之情和向他们学习的决心,希望他来学校做客,愿意与他交朋友的愿望。)РDear …РYours, Р…Р3. Homework:Р根据提示,写一篇介绍航天英雄杨利伟事迹的文章。Р杨利伟,中国优秀宇航员,65年生于辽宁,他自幼聪明好学,各门学科尤其数学和英语成绩优秀,87年成为一名飞行员,98年参加中国太空训练,五年后成为宇航员,03年10月15日于9时杨利伟乘坐“神舟五号”宇宙飞船升空。2003年12月5日,杨利伟被授予“航天英雄”称号,杨利伟是我们心中的英雄,我们要向他学习。Р参考词汇:Р1. 飞行员pilotР2. 中国太空训练 the China’s space programР3. 授予 awardР板书设计:РThe spaceship is mainly controlled puters.РSection AРhero — heroes(pl. ) We took turns to have a rest.Рphysical examination?It has proved that China has made greatРWe can’t help looking at the?progress in developing its space industry.Рearth again and again.