
仁爱英语八下Unit6Topic3Section a教学设计

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hitting the truck, I ran into the wall. T: And then? S 1:I hurt my arm badly. The driver called 122 hotline and took me here. Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动( 时间:5 分钟) 探究本课的重点话题。 1.( 将学生分成小组, 每组 4人。学生分别扮演汽车司机、骑自行车的人、警察和新闻记者, 编一段他们之间关于事故的对话。) T: Work in groups of four. Act asa driver, cyclist, policeman and reporter separately. Please make a dialog about the accident, and act it out. ( 给学生几分钟时间准备对话,然后到讲台上以小组的方式表演,并由每组的新闻小记者报导此次事故。) T: Time is up. Please act out your dialog, and then the reporter from each group reports the accident. 2.( 小组活动:交流各自收集到的交通标志符号,讨论它们的含义。然后每组推荐一名学生向全班汇报本组所收集到的交通标志及其意义,完成 3。) T: Share the traffic signs in groups and discuss their meanings. Then choose one to report to the class. 3. Homework :( 要求学生写一些关于如何预防交通事故的建议。) T: Give some advice on how to prevent traffic accidents.


