e part 影响客户使用affect customer using 3 材料标识不明确?Un-clear label 2 入库前每卡板贴上传送单核入库单。?set the delivery notes and receipts notes label on the pallet before store . 生产领料时,操作工和QC对材料进行确认?Operators and QC verify the material in production line. 8 48 NA NA Р280 存放?Storage 零件生锈?rust of the part. 影响客户使用affect customer using 3 1. 材料入库、出库凌乱。?2. 放置周期过长。?1. Un-sequence in and out store.?2. long term store 2 按照程序要求,材料先进先出。? Frist in first out QC复查在库 re-check the parts in period. 8 48 NA NA Р290 送至客户?Deliver to customer 零件转移错误?mistake the part 影响客户使用affect customer using 3 材料标识不明确?Un-clear label 2 每箱产品贴上成品票。?set the finish notes on every box. 出货时OQC对产品进行确认?heck the part before delivery. 8 48 NA NA Р Р版本?Rev. ment 日期 Date 准备人Prepared by 审核Checked by 批准Approval by РA0 新制/New 2009.09.07 РA1 完善并增加位置度的分析 2010.01.25