offer burgers as main foods.? Starbucks provide coffee mainly , some soft drinks?Starbucks and Subway sell sandwiches, which are somewhat similar to a hamburger.РComparison petitorsРQuality of hamburgersР01РUnique high temperature barbecue methodР02РMore Ingredients?and nutritionР03РCostumers' willingnessР04РPromotional MethodsРNO.1РNO.2РNO.3РNO.4Р“Taste is King”(customers)РHigh-quality HamburgersРStorefront design and inner arrangementsРCommunication between regular & new customers.РEffectivenessР80%РIt has a good public praise among the customers. ?Find Burger King in subway station, big markets, crowded city center. ?Through its delicious hamburgers, Burger King attracts more and more customers to buy their products. ?As a leader in fast food industry, Burger King’s marketing is essful.