c anesthesia practice in favor of newer anesthetics, particularly sevoflurane.?Sevoflurane has been reported to have less potentialfor producing bradycardia and myocardial depression in infants and children than does halothane.?Halothane also causes more hypotensiveepisodes than sevoflurane in children with congenital heart disease . The decline in 1998–2004 in the proportion of ASA physical status 1–2 children and infants less than 1-year-of-age may also be ascribed to the declining use of halothane, since halothane-induced cardiovascular depression tended to occur in previously healthy children under 1-year-of-age.小儿麻醉诱导特点?小儿的生理和心理发育尚不成熟,对麻醉诱导过程更为敏感?粗暴的麻醉诱导可能造成患儿术后行为异常、睡眠障碍甚至导致终身的面罩恐惧症小儿吸入麻醉诱导?为了减少患儿对静脉穿刺的恐惧,小儿吸入麻醉诱导方法深受患儿、家长和麻醉医师的欢迎?小儿吸入麻醉诱导技术是小儿麻醉医师的基本功小儿吸入麻醉诱导临床操作规范?诱导前准备?诱导实施?诱导注意事项