
跨文化商务交际chapter 4 contrasting cultural values

上传者:科技星球 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:58 |  大小:1523KB

ng to this group.Р3. Three types of valueРUniversal values (普遍的价值观)? ?Cultural-specific values (某一文化特有的价值观)? ?Peculiar expression or deviations of individuals within cultures (文化中的个体所特有的价值观)РUniversal values ?(普遍的价值观)РUniversal values are mon to all people. For example, a desire to live a happy life is a universal value, as everyone wants to live happily.РCultural-specific values ?(某一文化特有的价值观)РThey are values applied only to one particular culture. For example, individualism applies particularly to American culture, while most cultures in the world are actually collectivism by nature. Filial piety and modesty are values which apply to Chinese culture, but they do not apply to American culture. So these are cultural-specific values, values which are specific to a particular kind of culture.


