
英文介绍素食主义者的类型 ppt

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foodismРFruitarianРAscetic?vegetarianРFree?vegetarianРREPRESENTIVESРTo Hermann Huth on 27 December, 1930:?Although I have been prevented by outward circumstances from observing a strictly vegetarian diet, I have long been an adherent to the cause in principle. Besides agreeing with the aims of vegetarianism for aesthetic and moral reason, It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living by its purely physical effect on the human temperament would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind.аTo Hans Muehsam on 30 March, 1954 :?So I am living without fats, without meat, without fish, but am feeling quite well this way. It almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.Р(1879—1955)?The greatest scientist of the 20th century and one of the greatest of all time.РAlbert Einstein


