2010年世界卒中日主题:ONE IN SIXР六分之一:全世界每6个人中有1人可能在一生中罹患卒中?六分之一:每6秒钟,就有1人死于卒中?六分之一:每6秒钟,就有1人因卒中而永久致残РA photograph taken at the Yalta conference after World War II showing (from left to right in the front row) Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin.РZhu Chen, The Third National Survey on the cause of death. Ministry of Health, People‘s Republic of China. Peking Union Medical University Press 2008?Liu M, Lancet Neurol, 2007,6:456-64?Yi Long Wang, International Journal of Stroke, 2007,2:211-213.РTop 5 of mortality from 2004 to 2005 in China (1/100000)РStrokeР2008 中国人死因调查结果Р温州医学院附属第一医院脑科中心?王汉旻?13758711472?whmbb@Р脑血管病Р第一节概述Р脑的动脉血液循环Р颈内动脉系统(前循环)?眼球/大脑半球前3/5部分?椎基底动脉系统(后循环)?大脑半球后2/5部分/丘脑/脊髓上部/脑干/小脑РIntracranialРextracranialРsubclavianР椎动脉Р颈动脉