
亨利。路易斯。门肯 简介

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ch hates beauty as it hates truth.Р* He chooses the strongest words possible, words bordering on the abusive---dreadfully hideous abominable, agonizing ugliness, revolting monstrousness, leprous hill, and so on ad nauseam.?* He uses figures of speech profusely to create nauseating and dreadful images to reinforce his verbal attack, such as hyperbole, sarcasm, ridicule and irony.РcommentsРAmerican Editor & Satirist?The “Sage(哲人,贤人) of Baltimore (巴尔的摩)?The most prominent newspaperman?Book reviewer?mentatorРquotationsРA cynic is a man who, when he smells a flower, looks around for a coffin.? ?(A cynic is a person who believes that all men are selfish. He sees little or no good in anything and shows this by making unkind and unfair remarks about people and things.)?好冷嘲人生者,是個當他聞到花香之時就會四處找尋棺材的人。


