世故和颓废形成鲜明的对比。)Рcontribution:he made major contributions to the art of fiction itself, helping to transform the novel from its alliances with journalism and romantic storytelling into an art form of rating analysis of individuals confronting society,chronicles of the psychological perceptions that James himself defined as the highest form of experience.Рtheme:深刻的揭示了美国精神,反映了美国生活的实质?style:simple and strightforward,and full of personal mons:"cathedrals of frosted glass"(玻璃打了霜的教堂)?reprsentative work:The portrait of a ladyРThe portrait of a ladyРglossaryРcosmopolitan 世界性的;全球的confess 承认?distaste 厌恶?suitor 求婚者?whereabouts 下落,行踪?irk 使烦恼?stifling 沉闷的?itinerary 旅行日程Рsquire 陪同,侍从?persistence 坚持不懈,固执?gout 痛风病?escort 陪同?lamenting 悲伤的?instigation 提议?pulmonary 肺部的?expatriate 侨民?indolent 懒惰的?dilettante 半吊子