遣词Р1Р“推敲”之说Р“鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门”? ——《题李凝幽居》贾岛Р一名之立,旬月踟蹰。——严复Р2Р一、词义的选择Р3Р英语词汇丰富?Webster’s 3rd International English Dictionary收录45万条entryР英语词义特点:?灵活多变(一词多义,一词多用,一词多类),语义范围宽,同义词多,翻译时难以找到对应词Р4Р一词多义Рa dry sheep?不产奶?dry bread?不加黄油? a dry book?枯燥无味?a dry account?干巴巴、不加渲染的Р5Р一词多义Рa dry e?冷淡?a dry face?无泪?a dry writer?没有作品的?dry efforts?徒劳无益的Р6Р一词多类Рa square peg in a round hole. ? 不称职的人?He was knocked out in the third round.?The taxi rounded the corner and disappeared from view. ?The earth rotates round the sun. ?The news was soon passed round.Р7Р2 根据上下文选择词义РShe was a girl with good manners.?她是一位举止得体的姑娘。?These were all labeled as good eggs.?这些都被标为新鲜的鸡蛋。?Dogs are often regarded as man’s good friends.?狗经常被认为是人们的忠实朋友。?He was a good chess player.?他是个高明的棋手。Р8Р3 根据不同前后搭配确定词义Р4 根据不同的学科领域或专业确定词义Р9Р二、词义的引申Р10