
高教社高职高专《英语》Book1 Unit2

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QuitРLi Ying, This Is Mr. BrownР(Now summer vacation is approaching. Р Li Ying wants to get a part-time job in a Р joint venture. Lizzy is introducing her to Р Michael Brown, the manager of the Р company.)РBefore Reading?Detailed Reading?After Reading?QuitРLizzy: Hello, Mr. Brown. How are you?РManager: Fine, Lizzy. And how are you?РLizzy: I’m fine, thanks. Mr. Brown, may IР introduce my friend Li Ying toР you? She is an outstanding Р student in our school and she Р speaks good English.РBefore Reading?Detailed Reading?After Reading?QuitРLi: How do you do, Mr. Brown?РManager: Pleased to meet you, Li Ying. I’veР heard quite a lot about you fromР Lizzy. Do you want to work for aР month in pany?? РLi: I’d love to. I’d like to get a bit of Р real life experience. Could you Р offer me the chance?


