如何进行本课程的学习Р掌握专业英语的特点?记忆一定量的专业词汇?大量阅读及翻译专业英文文献?勤动手查阅专业词典Р专业英语的特点:?文体? 专业英语要求其客观性、准确性及严密性,注意叙事逻辑上的连贯及表达上的明晰、畅达,避免行文晦涩。Р词汇? 包括:基础词汇、科技缩略词汇、专有名词、专业术语。РThe formulation must be preserved against position due to chemical degradation and protected from microbial contamination and the destructive influences of excessive heat, light, and moisture.Р例句:Р药品在保存时,必须防止降解引起的变质,避免微生物污染以及因过度的光照、受热及潮湿引起的药品成分的变质。Рgeneric 普通的?pharmacopoeia 药典?prescription 处方?patent 专利?expire 期满?retain 保持?inevitably 不可避免的?cellular 细胞的?macromolecule 高分子?modification 更改?inhibition 禁止?enzyme 酶?receptor 接受器РTextРA drug is any natural or synthetic substance that alters? the physiological state of a anism. Drugs can be divided into two groups:?Medicinal drugs are substances used for the treatment, prevention, and diagnosis of disease.