Empyema?积脓(胸)РJiang Yingjiu?Dept of Cardiothoracic SurgeryР胸心外科?欢迎你!Р主任医师?胸心外科Р89818339Р主任医师?胸心外科Р1 Definition?2 Etiology ?3 Pathway of pathogen ?4 Pathology ?5 Clinical classificationРCommon introductionРDefined as a pleural infection 感染 and pleural space suppurative 化脓性 fluid collectionР(均为胸膜腔)Pleural cavity, pleural space or pleural sacРAnatomyРEmpyema thoracic 脓胸 is characterized by presence of pus 脓 or anism in the pleural fluidРPus in the pleural cavity.Р1 Definition?2 Etiology ?3 Pathway of pathogen ?4 Pathology ?5 Clinical classificationРCommon introduction