at ? 有眼无珠?crazies a bat? 疯得像蝙蝠?have bats in the belfry? 异想天开?be a bit batty ? 有点反常РFor most westerners the lion is the king of beasts.?And British candidate lion as their national symbols.?majestic as a lion 像狮子一样雄伟?regal as a lion 狮子般庄严РIn Chinese culture, people don’t have so much associations of lion. The lion is but a fierce powerful animal. Just the tiger often can cause similar associations.РWesterners emphasize the peacock proud side.?Such as :?as proud as a peacock? 孔雀般骄傲? play the peacock ? 沾沾自喜РChinese pay attention to her tail of beauty. The peacock in Chinese culture is auspicious beautiful symbol.РIn western culture, dragon is going to be a bloodthirsty incarnate.РBut in Chinese culture, the dragon is the symbol of luck. Anyhow, the dragon in Oriental cultures are praise idea.