tory Fitness & Mortality740,842 men & 12,943 women from the Aerobic Cooper Longitudinal StudyEffect of CRF on MortalityAttributable Fractions (%) for All-Cause DeathsBlair SN. Br J Sports Med 2009; 43:1-2. 8Exercise is a Medicine Physicians should prescribe it, Patients should take it!?Instead of an allergy, exercise may be the long sought ine to prevent chronic disease and extend lifeAre we reaching a point where NOT prescribing physical activity should be consider patient neglect?NO!Do You Really Think We have a Chance Without Exercise??Obesity?Coronary artery disease?Diabetes?Hypertension?Cancer?Depression and anxiety?Arthritis?Osteoporosis?Etc, etc, etc…PhysiciansPatientsWe have to get people movingRegularly ActiveOut of the chair & off the couchEngaged in an Active, Healthy Lifestyle