
Israeli-Palestinian Arab Conflict:巴以冲突

上传者:徐小白 |  格式:ppt  |  页数:19 |  大小:0KB

ng a cycle of coups and countercoups, Babrak Karmal emerged and was backed by the Soviets ? December 1979, Soviet Union sent 80,000 troops to support the regime U.S.S.R. in Afghanistan ? Armed resistance by militant Muslims (Mujahedin) received support & training from U.S. ? Over a million refugees fled to Pakistan ? The mountainous terrain was ideal for guerrilla warfare and Soviet forces could not eradicate Afghan opposition ? The Soviets withdrew in 1988-89 Iran ? Iran was a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy after WWII. ? Led by pro-United States ruler Mohammad Reza Shah, Iran built a large military using U.S. aid and petroleum revenues ? The Shaw was overthrown in 1979 and Iran became an Islamic Republic (theocratic rule) led by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (1902-1989)


