School , Dalian, L iaoning 116021, China)РР Abstract: T he status w ater resources in the south to Jinzhou of Dalian City w as introduced, and theРw ater supply and dem and conditions w as predicted by the high level and the low lev el metho d. In the lowРlev el m ethod, cor rection coefficient w as adopted so as to avo id the er ror of num erical v alue on the hig h side.РThe results show ed that the contradiction betw een w ater supply and w ater demand w ill be getting w or seРand w orse after 2010 year. So so me other w ays should be found such as using sea resour ces to tackle theРpro blem.Р Key words: w ater resources; forecasting; balance analysis o f w ater supply and demand; Dalian cityРР 责任编辑 金淑兰