non-stableРcontainers arriving from the washingРmachine are fed into the infeed section ofРthe tunnel underneath a Laminar Flow unitРand then pre-heated. The containers areРsterilized and de-pyrogenized in the heatingРsection and then transferred to the coolingРsection. At the tunnel outfeed, the contain-Рers are bulk-fed onto the infeed belt of theРdownstream machine.Р InfeedР Heating sectionР Cooling sectionР 9РThe HQL 5000 transport systemР Special transport system for safe andР gentle through-conveyance even of Р complicated container shapes:Р The conveyor belt is made of stainless steelР mesh. It provides friction-free, gentle con-Р tainer conveyance through the operatingР section.Р Transport system for stable containersР InfeedР HQL 5000 standardР Heating sectionР Cooling sectionР10