e history data of part test free-degree, lastly, Inverse Fast Fourier Transform is Рimplemented to the dynamic response data of reduction free-degree and the dynamic response time Рhistory data of whole free-degree of the finite element model can be obtained by inverse transform of Рreduction transform matrix, and the visual simulation of the structural vibration response pleted Рby the aid of simulation software. Calculation and simulation on a shell structure in this paper is done, Рand the results are satisfying, the feasibility and effectiveness of the researched technology is Рdemonstrated. РKey words: structural dynamics, simulation, ambient excitation, response, matrix transform Р Р作者简介: Р张安平:男,1979 年生,硕士,助理工程师,目前主要从事工程问题的力学建模与计算机Р仿真工作。Р王轲:男,1967 年生,博士后,副教授,主要从事结构动力学建模与仿真研究。Р - 10 -