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i. It is w ell kno wn th at the rumen anaerobic fungi can secre te highly e ff iРcient cellulases ev en super e nz yme, require d fo r dig estion o f plant cell wall ma terial. In this paper, the major rum en a na eroРbic fungi and the ir cellula se syste ms were brie fly introduced firstly , and then some po ssible w ay s t o de velop and ut ilize the ruРmen anaerobic fungal cellulases, fo cusing on the cloning and expressio n of cellulase gene, transgenic animal and plant and reconstrucРtion o f rumen anaero bic fungal cellulase were reviewed. [ Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition, 2010, 22(3) :536543 ]РKey words:R umen anaero bic fungi; Cellula se; C lo ning a nd ex pressio n; T ransge nic; R eco nstructionРC orrespon ding au th or, professor, Em ail: liujx@ zju. edu. cn ( 编辑菅景颖)


