
Parent Questionnaire 幼儿发展调查表

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发生紧张、Р大哭,是怎么缓解的? РWhat would you do to help your child calm down wheРhe/she gets nervous or scared? РWhat are your goals for your child over the next year? РHow do you think we can work together to meet Рthese goals? Р您对您的孩子在明年的期望是怎么样的?您认为校园和家Р庭通过什么样的合作能达成该目标? РIs there anything else you would like to tell us about Рyour child? Р还有别的需要我们关注的问题吗? Р 北京爱悦蓝天教育科技有限公司享有最终解释权 3 / 4РAre you familiar with the Montessori philosophy? РHave you ever observed aMontessori class before? Р您对蒙台梭利理论了解吗?是否曾观察过蒙台梭利教室? Р Р Р Name of pleting this form: Р 表格填写人姓名: Р Р Р pleted: Р 完成日期: Р Р Р Did both parents confer on the above answers? Р 父母是否同意以上问题答案? Р Р Р Р Mother’s Signature Father’s Signature Р 母亲签名父亲签名Р 联系电话联系电话Р Р Note: Keep copy in student’s file for reference. 本调查表存入学生档案。Р Р Р 北京爱悦蓝天教育科技有限公司享有最终解释权 4 / 4


