n et al., The Impact of M&A on the R&D Process: An Empirical Analysis of the РRole of Technological and Market Relatedness, 34 RES. POL’Y 195 (2005). Р[8]David Balto, The Efficiency Defense in Merger Review: Progress or Stagnation? Antitrust, Fall Р2001, at 74, 76. Р[9] Fabienne Ilzkovitz & Roderick Meiklejohn, European Merger Control: Do We Need an РEfficiency Defence? 5 Eur. Econ. 4 (2001), available at: Рhttp://europa.eu.m/economy<uscore>finance/publications/european<uscore>economy/200Р1/eers0501<uscore>en.pdf. Р[10] See EC Horizontal Merger Guidelines, available at: Рhttp://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=CELEX:52004XC0205(02):EN:HTML. Р[11]See Merger Enforcement Guidelines, available at: Р/epic/site/cb-bc.nsf/vwapj/2004%20MEGs.Final.pdf/$file/200Р4%20MEGs.Final.pdf. Р 6